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Self Administrative theory-8 Politician By J Jayanthi Chandran

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

Politics as main role

Politics is not running heredity monarchy in systemized, divided on timid judgements. Politics is elected person leading the administration on his party agenda for people voted. Political leadership is not iconic value get noticed by wars. Politics as no role in any grouping expect land which is divided for administering like religion caste etc. State and Central. He should have that charisma to organise all people, party, government and its administration mainly getting the belief of people.

Hence he should have remarkable values and knowledge. He acclaims th position Prime minister to counsellor, Party leaders etc. He should have one right person who controls family in all needs. Because once kakkan may died in ground but now it is not a good example.

Merits of Politician:

  1. Iconic value

  2. Media attention

  3. Group success & Glorified.

  4. Daily basis soul success

  5. Secured

  6. Validated

Demerits of politician

  1. Security

  2. Family control on execution and finance

  3. Closed life and highly monitored

  4. Needs to know about many arts for persistence.

Risk involved as olitician

  1. Liaison between party, government and people

  2. Being neither saint nor normal man

Training needed For politician (Applicable to all leaders)

  1. Sociology and Demographics

  2. Local national and International politics

  3. Current people and politics

  4. Handling money avoiding corruption

  5. Treaties and meetings

  6. Conflict management and Decision making

  7. Political relationships

  8. Budget plans

  9. Executive management

  10. Team work

  11. Family control on being special person

  12. Time management

  13. Health

  14. History and administration

  15. Party and Election commission

  16. Judiciary

  17. Development administration and Policy making

  18. Addressing for the public to the public.

  19. Handling Media.

Secondary role as Politician

Writer, Author, Orator, Literature etc.

Politician as secondary role:

  1. He is a person working for the party in an executive level

  2. Gets notified by local people

  3. Daily basis soul success

  4. Secured

  5. Validated and needs training in executing the party job and electoral roll functions District knowledge, daily needs of people. He should safe guard himself daily heat of politics by people.

Main role for Politician as secondary.

He can do business or reporter or any specific time work. He need few basic training on above skill set allotted for a politician.




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