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Self Administration Journal 6A By J Jayanthi Chandran

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

  1. Citizen doesn't have idea how many I'd proofs are got from their home and how many names in population list

  2. Citizen doesn't have idea how many places there ids are used and validated

  3. It is valid if you roam with a unknown person in four or more places and take photograph you are related to them and you can earn from trust which is not in government control

  4. I know there is place where all people told the land was sold to some other person.

Hence panchayat also fails.

Atlast I came to conclusion it is not citizen centred and we are going by government centred

Then my birth certificates files were missing. But I got Passport. Here my doubt started is it I am speaking about one person id or a vacuum to fill any body to fill in future without perfect basic foundation constraint.

Again I tried to do PhD. I walked college by college to check the availability of guide in the digital era when i had very good source for my PhD.

It is not public service seva

We will stand in que and obey your orders like sepoys controlling slaves, it is job to be done each and every attribute clear.

It is my rights to get what are all the documents you have attested in my name and it is not changed.

Really illiterate people occupy que and working person doesn't have time as such invited.

Then I had a trouble in employment exchange I couldn't change the medium in it in online. No proper attribute for PG diploma in public relations. There is no mobile or email alerts when the expiry date is nearer.

In most of the cases in govt office documents we came to believe or said our documents attached it is easy to change the documents and we don't have proof for what we have attached.We didn't get attested copy of what are all our documents attached in the procedures mentioning numbers.

We don't have answer copies for online exams we can fight when the answer sheet changed.

clearly 50 apples can be changed to 20 apples where other option become right one and the answer worked for 50 apple become wrong. Is it only our mistake not signed in group exams and what is the role of invigilator.

My election nomination rejected for not entering age and what is the role of officer while receiving forms?

Still I don't know which is the working office for my ward Tondiarpet or Perambur ,for community certificate I went to five booths.

With five month pregnancy I took my election I'd and I don't know how I become transgender in my licence.

By giving election I'd I went for maternity.

What this digital era does?

It eases the work of Government or the public is still under their control

It took years and years for making valid ID proofs and community Certificates.




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