I feel we learn to administer others in the name of some groups, organization rather how to administer yourself in a group goal and as a person. All the administrative strategy emphasis more on to control the person by any means.
It gives us basic needs, relations and tells about our behaviors in a group but not about our goal to reach our soul success. Control is goal and group oriented not on one's own life oriented. Every human is free to flow on his own way. We all are either bounded in any form of group and live for a group goal or detach entirely to make us.
Society can give self esteem when we want to place our self as winner and they give us runner according to group goals. To so be a winner it needs our own master and a administrator inside.
Man is internal, group is external, behavior, esteem, basic needs , development is all bridge between a Man and a group in between we " our soul" is going to live to bring out what is inside us.
The society, friends relations colleagues and neighbors will give you self esteem as well as happy in making you failed and voting someone to get success and hence that self esteem doesn't going to make us. We can hold a very good title in between what we failed to show and what we are?.
Yes1 we are social animal and without a group we can't achieve big. What I believe in group we play a role but that role doesn't going to define us or be the symbol of us.
It is where we should learn to administer our self in different platforms of life to make more enhancements in all round group success.
Education and Growth of a person is the foundation for every person Success. A child cannot lose best foundation in search of basic needs. We cannot make all 5 feet 5 inch but everyone should have a good body to build their soul. All atoms are not same metal and all metals do not make one unique product. Education is a tool to align the soul for a purpose.
The path of Man is childhood & schooling, personnel, personal, private sectors and public sectors and public life and his healthy body.
For Childhood we have different health program but not brought up ideas in common.
Schooling is a great process which makes a child student adult and a person.
We all programmed for a graduate from Standard one education missing education on Morals, Values etc. Our regional language as various sects of instructions and morals taught gradually but I don’t found one such in all languages.
In family few kids are brought up with household and daily life cuemath when few are Skilled in arts, music etc. Few Child undergo middle class and lower middle class process accepting their circles.
Every parents and children need experience in handling School life. Few children have educated parents and few have none. There are few who have good guides and volunteer others flow as such in river flow.
Common education, common platforms and common teachers ,Common life Guide or Mentor is necessary for Every students.