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Public Policy.

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

  1. Public Policy- Types

  2. Policy Orientation :


  4. Institution of Public Policy: (8-12-2022_new)


  1. Harold Lasswell in 1951 framed Public policy as, Systematic effort towards a new field of inquiry to deal with Social problems

  2. Brooks said it is objective oriented, independent, above politics, and explicit

  3. Dye told it is purely government objective and Jenkins added methods and processes to it. James Anderson defined it to be a managing process defined

  4. John Dewey told it is a scientific method for social problems with creative intelligence

  5. Prezewoski and limongi told it is based on the political system


Public policy is research-oriented not dealing only with problems but the better choice with systematic knowledge structural rationality a step before empirical thoughts and it needs a model dealing with society and its behavior which is scientific research calculation for best output and Subramaniam is also close to this added it is time-oriented

Nagal discussion finalized

it deals with the code of ethics, professionalism, and institutional check.

Carol Weis was given the first model.


Public policy is

time oriented

Scientific research of behavior and finance, system

Policy making is aligning a path to solution not solutions of interest

it is analysis oriented

it is framed to execute

it is Administrative step for government platforms

Not purely political (Politics + Administration = Government)

it has few choices

it is goal oriented

it is not only based on NGO views and personal views.

Policy depends on Country and Culture

But it needs a Global Policy & National Policy

Types of Public Policy

1. Restrictive

2. Regulatory

3. Facilitating

4. Substantive

5. Capitalisation

6. Distributive

7. Redistributive

8. Conflict policy

9. Bargaining policy

Levels in Public policy

  1. Political

  2. Executive

  3. Administrative

  4. Technical

Thinkers:`Deleon,` peters,` `Sabatier,` `Schlager'

Methods of Public Policy

  1. Rational (rational model of decision-making)

    • Public choice theory

    • Marxist Theory

    • Transaction Cost Analysis

2. Non-Rational

  • System Approach

  • Institutional Approach

  • Elite Approach Group theory

  • Incremental approach

Research in Public policy

  1. Administrative research

  2. Technical research

Methods of Policy Construction

  1. Inductive ( Individual, Collectivity, structure)

    • Social individualism- Individual

    • Group theory- Collective

    • Socio-historical Neo Institutional -Structure

2. Deductive ( Individual, Collectivity, structure)

  • Rational choice theory- Individual

  • Class Analysis- Collective

  • Actor-centered -Structure


  1. the practice or principle of basing opinions and actions on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response. "scientific rationalism"

    • PHILOSOPHY the theory that reason rather than experience is the foundation of certainty in knowledge.

    • THEOLOGY the practice of treating reason as the ultimate authority in religion.

Policy advocacy is defined as active, covert, or inadvertent support of a particular policy or class of policies. Advocacy can include a variety of activities including, lobbying, litigation, public education, and forming relationships with parties of interest.

Auditor General is the Executive organ of Public Policy

Policy Orientation

Policy orientation is focused on the scientific study of policy where the needs of policy intelligence are uppermost.

Vocabulary Involved

The goal, Social Science, Scientific Method, Intelligence, Social Disciplines, Psychology, Overall development globally, and Democracy

Rockefeller and Laura Rockefeller Memorial fund emphasized and financed the research At Chicago University, Harvard University, and Columbia University as a joint program

An institute of Human regulation started at Yale University.

In 1970 Laswell's call for Policy Orientation is institutionalized.

It is the Social Science problem researched in the Scientific method with human dignity

Policy cluster: a skilled group equipped for policy formulation , diagnosing developing and analyzing


~Identification of needs-Policy formulation-Policy review-role of democracy


  1. Media

  2. Pressure groups

  3. Political parties

  4. official policymakers

  5. The Executives

  6. Administrative agencies

  7. The courts

Stages of public `policy

  • System

  • Simulation

  • Cost-benefit analysis

  • The new approach to Budgeting

  • Policy Experimentation

  • Policy Evaluation

Stages of policy Analysis:

  1. Problem Finding

  2. Policy and policy choice

  3. Consequences

  4. Evaluation of outcomes

  5. Making a choice

Characteristics of Policymakers

  1. Income problem solved

  2. Social scientist

  3. Perspective

  4. selective judgement

  5. No family constraint

  6. Perform like journalist

Cycles in policy making

  1. Policy making (Go to policy process)

  2. Policy analysis

  3. Forecasting

  4. Policy selection (Go to policy process)

  5. Policy selection

  6. Policy action

  7. Monitoring

  8. Policy outcome (Go to policy process)

  9. Evaluation Problem structuring (go to 1)

The optimal policy: rational, not rational, qualitative or quantitative, economically rational and meta-policy making

Policy making Process in India


  1. Opinion policy linkage

  2. policy effects

  3. media effects

  4. opinion polls

  5. Instability of opinion

  6. Wording of questions

  7. Communicating with policymakers


Agenda setting and Mobilisation

  • Mass media

  • Formulating Policy

  • Interest Group

  • Parliamentary officials

  • Think tanks

  • Policy legitimation- beyond politics

  • Policy implementation

  • Policy evaluation

  • Experiences

Policy Making Agencies

  1. Planning commission (NITI AyoG)

  2. National development council

  3. The cabinet secretariat

  4. The Prime minister's office

The Policymakers

  1. Legislatures- Lawmaking, No confidence motion censure motion

  2. Budgetary system- Estimate committees, committees on Subordinate legislation, Department standing committee, executives & cabinet

  3. Administrative agencies (Ministers & Administrative)

  4. Judiciary courts

  5. Unofficial participants( pressure groups, political groups ,Individual)

  6. External influencing Agency

Factors affecting Policy

  1. Environment

  2. Ideology



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