Tamil Nadu
1. Paleolithic Age- 6000-3000BCE
Neolithic Age-2500BCE
Sat vahana & Mauryan dynasty - Up to 300 BCE
Chera Chola Pandya- 200 Bce to 300 Bce
Tolkappiyam , agathiyam was likely composed between the 2nd and 1st century BCE,
Said to be Sangam period, Ettuthogai pathupattu padhinen mel kannaku
Silapdhikaram manimegalai kundalakesi perunthogai valayapathi is during jain and budhist rule.
Kalabharas period 300- 500bce , Muthraiyar dynasty- 300 to 600 BCE
padhinen keezh kannaku,
Pallava Dynasty 700 BCE
Pandya 500 BCE to 600 BCE
Chola 850 to 1300 BCE
Chera 9 th BCE to 13 BCE
ThirukadaikkappuSambandar4,5,6 Thevaram Thirunavukkarasar 7 ThirupaatuSundarar 8 Thiruvasakam &
Tiruppallaandu Various10 Thirumandhiram Thirumular 11 Various 12 Periya PuranamSekkizhar
Delhi sultanate 13 century
Vijayanagar empire 1550
Tondaimandalam -1680 -1948
Including Dutch Poligars Nizam Nawab & French
British -1758-1773
Marathas and Mysore- 1857
1858- 1947 - British
1947 to till Now The Constitution of INDIA