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Appraisal Quality Report and Actions - Research Paper

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

Appraisal Quality Report and Actions Appraisal, Organizational Behavior, Management Resource Development, Engineering IT via @academia


Appraisal Quality Report and Actions

Appraisal, Organizational Behavior, Management Reports, Human Resource Development, Engineering IT

By J. Jayanthi Chandran - MA Public Administration. PG Diploma in Public Relations

1 Abstract -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 Key words -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 Limitations of the study -----------------------------------------------------------------

6 Methodology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7 Literature review -------------------------------------------------------------------------

8 Population and Identifying issues ----------------------------------------------------

9 Hypothesis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10 Case Analysis 1 – AQRA Report -------------------------------------------------------

Appraisal Quality Report and action ------------------------------------------------

Self Evaluation Check list -------------------------------------------------------------

11Case Analysis 2 Model For AQRA Report -------------------------------------------

Validation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Validation Process -----------------------------------------------------------------------

After Appraisal analysis -----------------------------------------------------------------

Informal management Evaluations ---------------------------------------------------

Formal management Evaluations ----------------------------------------------------

After analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

External Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Womanly things/ Male Chauvinism -------------------------------------------------

Lack of Managerial Coordination ----------------------------------------------------

Personal Evaluation ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Hierarchical Suppression ---------------------------------------------------------------

Behavioral Oppression ------------------------------------------------------------------

Time Management and Attendance -------------------------------------------------

Remedy for Qualified at Lower Income --------------------------------------------

12 Case Analysis 3: Reasons for errors in Appraisal after validation and -----

Informal reviews. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Low qualified employee in job:

The Exit Analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Suggestion to ISO ------------------------------------------------------------------------

13 Executive Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------

14 Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


15Acknowledgement -----------------------------------------------------------------------

16 Picture -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17 Appendices --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

18 Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Abstract:

This paper deals about the drawbacks observed after every appraisal tenure and the silent factors which left unnoticed during the work process as well as its appraisal evaluation. It delivers the argument on mutual respect and consideration of the Employee, the Employer and the Organization. This post evaluation and action will make the system to work free from error and stress for more production outcomes positively and consolidated report for remedial action.

2. Key words:

Appraisal, Organizational Behavior, Management Reports, Human Resource Development, Engineering IT

3. Summary

Appraisals are not bagging a baggage of Respect, Award, Rewards and Records, it is an evaluation for what recruited and corresponding outcomes more, less are incredibly high and a progressive continual improvement. Appraisal should have a marginal Social value and Professional ethics. It is preparing both employee and employer to step into next tenure with more hope and positive vibe and hence the drawback observed appraisals and solutions are discussed here.


Generally all the organization have Appraisal in planned intervals, the after effect of appraisal are not consider and it is useful when the feedbacks are evaluated for next term. Appraisals are for must mutual benefit. Appraisals is the Evaluation Report by an organization based on their past year work performance and expecting your role in the future. It is mostly 360 degree appraisal with performance evaluations, Peers review, subordinate, internal & external members involved in it with consolidated feedbacks.

We can categorize these appraisal conclusions as High, Moderate and Least Performance by employees.

Nowadays appraisals have final track run event in the last month which is very false move, proven altogether the whole appraisal plan collapsed like a culprit left to collapse evidence or keep false evidence. In rational decision making it is already decided there should be a quarterly review for each employee. Appraisal is to share success and evaluate failures. It is not economical move bargaining to take the least valued incidents for overall least appraisals. Appraisals are meant for profits and project success no for the benefits of the company only.

Therefore I additionally add there should be a post evaluation after receiving appraisal feed backs to align everything well in an organization within a stipulated time. Without Best Appraisal there can’t be project success and model validated for awards.

It needs a step by step analysis of day to day work implementation and its related entity of reality

We should have initial screening in finalizing the Qualified and Moderate employee list after the appraisal report received from the team. They are shuffled according to the need scenario of the organization and appraisals are prepared accordingly. Their needs a post analysis of appraisal effect in the system through formal and informal management The Administration should have the Final touch up reports like as built in. Hence their needs a appraisal audit report with added factors and its action

There are two types of Appraisals are Type A and Appraisal Type B

· Type A - Qualified for promotions and hike in salaries

· Type B - Not Qualified for Promotions but moderate qualified with hike and less hike or exit.

Types of errors in evaluations observed during every Appraisal.

• Qualified in Non Qualified list

• Qualified person in Type A with heavy hike

• Qualified Perfectly Promoted and good hike in Type A

• Qualified with dissatisfied Hike in Type A

· Non Qualified (Moderate/Less ) in Qualified list

• Moderate qualified person in Type B with heavy hike

• Moderate Qualified Promoted and good hike Person in Type B

• Moderate Qualified with unsatisfied Hike in Type B

This are few errors observed through general conversation in the organization, there are so many factors, scenarios are not evaluated for the perfect appraisal and this imperfection carried out unto next appraisal. All this errors should be fixed in a soon manner and an employee should not wait for next appraisal after two years or in between recessions. Today man power is like SIM card recharge we should know to recharge properly for user friendly and easy mobilization with the good outputs.


· You should not put trending economic crisis to employee’s performance

· Recession count down and norms has no role in performance and appraisals. It is like you should not treat a patient with fluid at high fever or left right one unexamined or Volunteer, Socialist doing well to all. Sometimes it’s like “No food for healthy ones only coffee and tea.”

· Appraisal should have a rational decision validating the proper attributes like inputs, performance, outputs, behavior, skills, quality, ability, capability, responsibility, uniqueness skills, Needed Experience, Overall Experience and Environmental goals

· Grounds of employee and his Output should have ratio which doesn’t affect others on general comparison.

· Controlled Behavior and Environmental factors in work process

· You should not take control of the employee by job and salaries to a restricting life.

· Security is evaluated through appraisal of every employee.

· Qualification Vs Performance should have some ratio that doesn’t affect employee with least qualification having good performance

· Employee in Position vs. Performance of other employee should have some ratio that doesn’t burdens that other employee.

5. Limitation of the study

These are very much covert and passive conversation it is limited to my experience of working in Chennai of Engineering Information Technology mostly of Dravidian nature Employees.

6. Methodology.

This argument to be persuasive is expressed by me as and Cover and passive participant in the systems. There are many conversation, behaviors expressed are summarized in Rogerian Argument Exploratory observation with Qualitative data of formal and informal conversations also quantitative data of appraisal work analyze by employee in a structured manner

7. Literature Review.

All the employees are major entity of the working system from diverse atmosphere by caste class and Struggles constitute of male and female. The one thing unites us is all are somehow technically qualified and validated to the working system. The System works mostly as per international standard organization norms and structured hierarch mostly of South Indian nature. The Qualifications starts from ITI DIPLOMA ENGINEERING AND MANAGERIAL DEGREES. Most of them are Tamil speaking few Telugu and very few Malayalam speaking ones also may be little silent Kannada’s.

When this diversity, technical skills with different behavior met there were lots of important fact to which affect the working culture and system left unnoticed or done with their personal group goals and affects their focused few others. It aims mostly to stop the growth by any means or it may natural on natural grounds which are reflected by appraisals. Those factors should be analyzed deductively and an appraisal report should be prepared for immediate action and effect

8. Population and identifying issues.

Among them we are going to take the sample population of those who have feed backs about unsatisfied appraisal

• Qualified in Non Qualified list

• Qualified person in Type A with heavy hike•

• Qualified with dissatisfied Hike in Type A

· Non Qualified (Moderate/Less ) in Qualified list

• Moderate qualified person in Type B with heavy hike•

• Moderate Qualified with unsatisfied Hike in Type B

Formulating some formal and informal assessment reports with various data of skills output behaviors and obstacles for perfect appraisals

9. Hypothesis

It needs formulating solutions through various structured formal and informal assessment reports during working process and appraisal process. Taking actions on the reports in immediate short getting mutual remedy by employee and employer creates positive vibes resulting in Quality outcomes with valid Economic planning and growth.

“Their needs an Appraisal Quality Report and Action after each appraisal feed backs” .

10. CASE STUDY ANALYSIS-Appraisal Quality Report and Actions.

In current days, employees are not bothering for negative appraisals there are three reasons firstly most of them are young who area from rural remote of mofussil town areas and the amount is abundant for them, secondly the opportunities are wider now and the third one is they learnt to work like water in lotus leaf, prepared to the situation at those moments and grab the comforts. In between few feel the administrative trends are most common happening everywhere. Some others have the concept in their minds the administrative arena is different and we are accessing as we could. Few other employees do not persist, tolerate to the corporate sketch and modern art of them in the year since they believe the outer world is wide bigger than the Office. Few plan to move, move and move.

But I feel there should be a post analysis to frame as AQRA - APPRAISAL QUALITY REPORT AND ACTIONS which is eventually needed to find the process and system of appraisal and its validity. Every single amount of an employee should not be in Gandhi's account. The participative management involved in the organizational scenario should have values at the end. Nearly one in thousand lose hope of life during tough appraisal times and ten percent works de motivated, by then nearly five percent change their trends and five percent change their platforms of same work.

Hence I request the need of action plans in appraisal reports for that one person who lose hope of life and the one right person with perfect HRA skills and behavior cornered for any difference.

If we don't react for negative appraisals by our own moves, it will be evidence of records about our ability, capability and behaviors, may have possibility to legitimize in near and far future in random probability of life worst situations or it may be like accepting it by our self through a slow conspiracy planned and will execute by them well

· We should be alert on fake evidence or collapsed evidence

• We should have some performance calculation plans

• Money is not much important but calculations are important

• Values have some values.

• Too much of canteen food is not good or too much of home food is not good it should have a complete valued food. Here food is Professional success.

• While occupying much time of the employee in a organization should go on with security and health goals

• Different culture department should not be mingled

• Should know to work like plains than dead volcano active volcano and tourist hills.

Time slots manpower booking vs. HR recruitment should have weekly reports -1

• It is not making a production unit captured and watching wild life

• Innovation, Creativity, Responsibility, Productivity and Quality are long and short term goals

• Rich or Poor the tools are same and it needs an after treatment. All should learn to climb the Ladder.

Appraisal Quality Report and Actions-AQRA

Sustainability has no role in employee’s appraisal. Humans cannot be kept sustainable in allowed money one in work place. Like fixing a middle supervisor with upper management and evaluating among junior levels. It is like daughter in law issue always sister in laws gets hike but serve mother in law is the job role and fake documentation and illusion stories focusing by the way. Employment is not mutual fund training ones skill to five and lessens ones salary, it is heavy loss, there is On Job Training and Off Job Training , obviously at the end it is heavy pay on outcomes and salary.

The recruitment team should have the track of Recruitment, Platforms Performance and outcomes of each and every employees other than the management reports monthly by their screening. The error happens when any employee performs for what not recruited with immense team suppression or support

The reasons for Quick term appraisals are,

  • The right Employee gradually grows in three months and the responsibility added with his quality progressive outputs in quick terms.

  • Work and responsibility is added to the right person quickly by management which effects in production on any mode

  • There is always a mutual gap in the agreements raised and the promises are informal, resources are either shuffled, renewed and getting a basic pack then trained for.

  • Twenty five percent of appraisal is for outcomes and five percent added for sustained and survived one gradually.

  • The attributes of behavior related to production are considered inside every organization.

  • Too much of behavior grouping, the amount that increases the team sprit the amount it increases order of errors which is hidden eventually a considerable time and quality lost.

  • Appraisal should not favor or encourage the behavior groups and try to pick the odd one out, either it should have scrutinized earlier or should analyze the groups during appraisals. If you found one odd employee then there are too many errors hidden.

Self evaluation checklist made for the Employees aligning to meet the Management & Administration goals.

It is observed noise in the teams of organization exist during appraisal time which becomes unwanted cofound variable in the near crucial evaluation time and creep the appraisal. It needs a program to anneal the team during that moment and release unwanted pressure.

Mental stability test and social shaming cannot be tested without a hall ticket of it and can be legitimized or extended to affect outside the organization doors, extending a informal enquiry and grapevine communication by team or administration. Immediate action should be taken on raised tickets in portals.

The five percent gap in leaves and late can be adjusted in salary not in appraisal weight age. Like five days extra leave should not spoil the right salary or promotion for outcomes and quality. It should have some ratio.

There cannot be environmental issues considered employees too much inside a team , Most of the OSHA considered such employees and behavior fighters all made in one team causes damage . The Employees should have informal information about employees under such special schemes to leave the comparison before self Evaluation. An organization can have five percent of such employees putting all factors inside the production arena, finally, after questioning by employees, you should not protect wrong employee under that. Every employee behavior keynote is to be there. Like you cannot suppress a girl belong to no states for Tamils or Telugus and disclose the issue on Environmental goals.

When evaluating self with Administration and management one should know the rules and acts, the moral, obedience and morals are like

· You should work without eating chocolates throughout your life while in the organization agreement.

· Or you should know to eat with non vegetarian if you are not that category also.

· If you are not OK with organization such self made informal policies, you can relieve the organization and can get the life of yours and your soul perfection.

Make the organization to consider the changes needed is that to keep that HRA perfect employees in current trends achieving marginal eighty percent of Organizational perfection including behavior quality to get qualified and others are moderate being achieved only sixty percent of organizational perfection and Behavior Quality. The employee who is lower than sixty percent should be notified immediately though having good outcomes.

11. Case Analysis -2 – Model for AQRA Appraisal

There should be a structured analysis for appraisal from day one of the previous appraisal closed. In figure one the flow chart for the analysis framed and the report needed are identified whenever the needs arise.

In this figure above the dashed line said to be before appraisal is general analysis of any appraisal methods like 360 degree appraisal, later checked corrected and validated.


Validation of Employees

Validation of employees Qualified or Moderate is not the process involved in a month of appraisal review; it is based on the 1. Weekly report closing, monthly reviews, Quarterly analyze and half yearly Evaluation of employee outputs evaluated through time sheets project feed backs, and training feed backs. 2. It also involves past history, Informal data of behavior - informal reports of performance 3. Personal Curriculum and Skills 4. Organizational behavior set of the employee is collected by the administration and evaluated in the desk made for it which is probably a general process adding Informal Behavior and Performance Report – 2 helps in quick corrective measures.

It is not much relying on clearing current noise in the team like spot rectify than a design analyze of the system. It should have collective data. Here is the tool of giving basic information to and attributes need to informal team and validated with outputs by HRA. Validation period is important and it is not yearly process but term and figure 2 & 3 explains the process

Figure 2 : AQRA APPRAISAL MODEL of Step A and Step B of figure 1


The informal team has given database of the employee to know the grounds with formal reports and information and get relevant attribute data in informal report Outcome ability, and skill set. HRA validate both Formal and informal reports and confirms the final validation with final HR and Employee appraisal interview and its report- 3

The set of data sheet always be presented by HR team of an employee are,

  • Personal skills like decision making, leading, coordination, training, communication presentable etc. - Personal skill set

  • Curriculum value and real Experience value - Personal skill set

  • HRA skill set suitable to current trends & needs and past history - Management Skill Set

  • The current outcomes validated - Management Skill Set

  • Getting trained and can get outcomes - Management Skill Set

  • Behavior moves related to production, personal and other irrelevant grouping - Organizational skill set

  • Informal monthly review - Organizational skill set

  • Formal monthly review - Management skill set

  • Time vs. Outcomes vs. Quality vs. Personal skill vs. Organizational Behavior – Total Skill Set Report - 4

Anyhow the Current year outcomes provide you 75 percent credit in appraisal and others being 25 percent. Others being past experience, Organizational behavior and personal behavior, innovation and creativity. If I get some X value and appraised X+15 percent in the same platform for long term goal of them but you can get X+30 percent for long term goal of you in other platforms which is a self appraisal and data collection of existing trends. For right HRA skill met with current trends, the organization should also have the same data validation with a vision.

Informal management Evaluation and Validation

Pert is the costlier system to get 100 percent result but can be used when needed. It needs day to day pressure analysis inside production set up to analyze the characteristics of human attributes again becomes cofound variable and hidden trauma. It needs detailed network of employees who have such skill and a perspective person to give reports about noise, suppression, oppressions, domination, hierarchy, sophistication, particularize nepotism etc. inside the teams in weekly reports. It doesn’t mean easy lose talk and moving person but a Perspective and qualified person for proper data with analysis. One can avoid natural grouping which affects quality time than an organizational team. You can then separate behavior errors, management errors, organizational errors, and HRA deficiency.

Outcomes are not picture made and child kid adventure. In the name of outcomes and team adherence whatever the unwanted attribute their can’t be it ended well like grooming one comfort person inside and his behavior greed to suppress the other or to get personal needs. Then it needs no evaluation, interviews etc. Appraisal is professional Social ethical responsibility of Administration.

Formal Evaluation and Validation - Figure 3

Formal Evaluation starts from Training feedbacks, Project feed backs, Weekly reports, personal feed backs, Monthly work progress, Outcomes evaluation, Appraisal evaluation, Self appraisal, Tests etc. added with Peer reviews, Subordinate reviews, Team feed backs, External reviews etc.

The draw backs of only Formal Reviews.

Through these you can’t get exactly of all, hierarchical suppression of equally talented, managerial redirect, team oppressions, Women underplay etc. and hence it needs again personal interview with administration of each individual employee formally and informally validating them with the data collected term.Men or Women no employees exist in office are not like recruited to nourish well as such Lux Legend, An office should not be pure NGO. An office should not be medicine center for any group extreme thoughts remedial measures. It is not platform for Chandramukhi film Psychological remedies for anybody. When you have measures to scale the time a common factor, you should have measures to measure behavior, suppression, oppressions which is a major factor. By having all this you can do a project and get outcomes with sixty percent quality but by addressing and trouble shooting them gradually you can achieve your goal quickly and be successful with more than 90 percent validity. Now we have got ninety five percent perfect reports for appraisal of Qualified and Moderate employees. Appraisal letters are distributed after this evaluation and feedback forms from employee and Informal Team Report on Appraisal Noise -5 collected


Qualified Employees are based on Figure 3 Personal skills, HRA Records, Outcome Records, Be trained Skills, behavior Records Informal monthly review and formal monthly review meeting the report Qualified cut off consisting of earlier said organizational perfection and behavior eighty percent. Moderate employees have their own cut off and they are identified for training needed as per figure 4 the missing qualified agenda or can Exit on their evaluation.


After appraisal we will find normally noise in the team and that to be considered. It requires a massive treatments and supplements provided to the needy. The Infra Structure of an organization should be hustle free of external control factors like Nepotism, Favoritism, Polity and Behavior aspects to measure the appraisal perfect. It should be like individual performance of their work playing with a team, it shouldn't be all tortoises put behind all tortoises. The track should be clear for a track run. We recruit with reference but we don’t appraise based on any reference and recommendations. In technology aspects beyond our thinking it is there truly hacking by external sources unknown reasons to think big. It is by employees called colleagues, team themselves delete the crucial models, data and records at the time of appraisal to stop others performance. Company believes when it is only server down. Sometimes organization plan sustainable goals and play with one which can be controlled by management and team.

If it happens constantly to one person it is very easy for identification of heavy team noise and should be trouble - shoot when ticket rose.

On the perspective of employee it is blender mistake of an organization recruiting the employees and putting them in to too much of behavior uncontrolled infrastructure and wasting years of their carrier upscale, letting down from their earlier records, curriculum and by not clearing the noise. There should be in rules and policy of self declaring by administration men and women will not be under any suppression and oppression for any difference. If it continues the office atmosphere would be like politician who are not professional executives doing politics and are giving outputs. Even in constitution politicians are not as executives.

  • Does Behavior rule much?

  • Does external control exist?

  • Does silent Political flow is there?

  • What is the Solution? Relieving the problematic or cleaning the Problematic platform?

Whatever the noise is, majorly the outcomes are measured, and the appraisals are for execution of office goals and not for personal or external goals. It needs Outcome Reports Vs Reality validation reports – 6 and it is done the Informal team appraisal review based on personal feed backs of appraisal as i said already for the gaps finding in other factors like Skills, Behavior, Noise, Cold war’s etc.

Some examples of Suppressions

1. Possibility of most of the outputs are done with suppression and oppression of so many or one, by all, by the team or group or individual - Suppression and Oppression behavior attitude to be monitored checked and controlled corrected as it affects the quality and time, By over confidence creating misconception that the organization can get ten percent less quality but by then our behavior needs should win. It is like daughter in law should lose ring and son may die

2. Possibility of highly qualified let in the platforms of least outcomes and lower category. Recruitment violations can be checked in booking under recruitment codes, if changed for too much automated mail goes to recruitment officers.

3. Possibility of more outcomes of some will have rank, being less in work monitored but more outcomes in reports through extended supports. This can be known on team shuffling often and checked through PERT reported by informal teams. One can know answers of all tests and can know basic execution, one should perform equally without support always and letting them being fight alone.


4. The organization has been given license to increase GNP with GDP with certain ethics. Moral is not for too much of behavior resolutions through Gorilla war and Organizational Violence and its encouragement through appraisals. Every MNC or out sourcing organization set up is like countries recruited fair trial and one should not spoil the spirit of it.

5. Suggestion, feedbacks are to express the changes needed and like emergency switches but it is leaked very soon and gives opposite effects. Sometimes colleagues want you to work under pressure and get paid least, they don't support the right one for some same behavior nepotism favoritism and corrupted needs or hierarchical suppression they need equally stuffed but shouldn’t compete with them in near future. Treat you like fun to watch walking in fire. Writing steps for wrong answer at book back.

6. So Direct HR Interviews quarterly and ISO validated feedbacks are necessary in quarterly manners finally with appraisal interviews. Each and every employee has some data.

7. There is occurrence behind scenes of adjusting among hierarchy and top hierarchy don’t support the emerging one under them with equal stuff of working. You can observe four top leads split get work from you and get joined in suppressing you at the appraisal times.

8. There are deals like mutual funds in the style of work ethics and benefited only by them. These also can be controlled by giving importance to middle management and executives.

9. It is not easy to believe emails are blocked written during tough times. Should check the blocked emails by Administrator and validated.

10. People can get hired externally for meeting the External Power behavior goals, most of the worth send off has this reason behind. A country can believe one doesn’t want a particular group at work platforms successful but that should not be an organizational goal and recruited and team scripted for that.

Sometimes Organization favor the focused one and Organization support is the first good platform to be demolished which later will affect their outer Gang since it gives a new trend and platform and good social value with a family. No reports are valid until it is mutually concerned and debated. Everybody should be in Good social and Colleague chain to not to be cornered.

After feed back of each and every employee we can get data’s of

· Personal drawbacks – negligible

· Personally feel to be qualified or low salary

· Personally feel Moderate low salary

· Others qualified at high salary

· Others moderate at high salary

· Rarely

· Others Qualified at low salary than work

· Others Moderate at low salary than work

After our Formal after appraisal assessment report -8 and informal after appraisal report will be starting its evaluation to make the system to run smooth as expected by the plan appraisal. HRD can have cut of value to reconsider according to their economic planning of some safe appraisal amount allotted earlier.

Now we consider about qualified employees

Qualified employee is evaluated for good appraisal if found no go for Analysis type1 step 2 of Figure 1 - compensation interview to decide to team or exit

Qualified employee is evaluated for good appraisal if found yes evaluate for high pay found yes go for step 3 of figure 1 and to team or go for compensation interviews Figure 4 step 6 of figure 1

Qualified employees at good pay will enter the team normally

Figure 4 : Step 6 of figure 1 Analysis

1. Refer Figure 6 of analyze a Qualified ones feedback stating step 6 of figure 1 .

2. This data are got through personal and informal feed backs

3. Few feed backs are not valid after evaluation it becomes a false feedback we will suggest some improvement and corrective measures

§ Identifying their training areas, personal skill hinders growth like decision making problem solving responsibility etc. Organizational skills like time keeping. Behavior correction of not being a team player and job focus. Current HRA needs and skills.

4. Next if feedback has value it will become Type 1 Qualified Employees at low pay Type2 Qualified Employees at high pay .

5. The reasons for Low pay is evaluated through data’s from informal report after appraisal and validated. Identifying team noise is the major part of the report discussed elaborately below.


The external control in the organization can be evaluated during appraisal reports from team and sector by then the feedbacks in all forms. Then it gives complete data to evaluate the behavior credit points which indirectly affected the office quality in all formats. These forms can be compared with weekly behavior reports. When the Value of Behavior noise and Groupism increases the appraisal quality decreases. The recruitment drive with screening gets spoilt in the process.

The external control may be refracted and dispersed in behavior actions. It cannot be identified immediately but by two years or two appraisals. Either it is done with managerial and administrative knowledge or only by executives nearby is the question, by actions of Administration through appraisals it can be clear it is done with a chain of external network in all platforms like dabbawalla good chain and control. So appraisal is the clear cut off area.

Any how it is the role of employee/executive to express the set back in all formats available at the feedbacks of necessity.

Team grouping against a Unique Skilled Employee

Sometimes team won’t support a unique skilled employee and they will farm a teasing environment like in colleges from juniors to mid senior level. Few cases there will be a cold war with friendly colleague who is like camphor in skills or quiet fit to the platform. This led to unsupported the right one picking out one they like which is wrong move for right person in a group and always eye candy. The right and unique person will get lower credits in team support and led to stop allotting a group goal of mass productions. Most of the time in all this cases it is expressed we want that person always with us should not exit but always under us only as executive in their entire carrier. It spoils much the Organizational Climate, Job, Human culture and much the good future of the right person locked in their net for just to survive in the flow.

This can be identified in monthly review of employee and personal feedbacks and HR informal reviews.

To Team

· Organization check points

· Are you equally supported by team?

· What is your unique skill than your team mate?

· How many team mate you are 5 or 10? Which fits you best?

· Weekly progress Personal Score vs Team Score?

· What is the reason behind reducing your team size?

· What is the reason you don't have responsibility to carry as unique?

· Do all works under team in equal shares?

To self

· Who works in less share of responsibility? Why? Team or Employee is the reason? Does it affect the HRA SKILLS under estimated and wasted by team?

· Individual production is 10 percent less; it’s OK its employees hurdle say yes or no.

· What is the corrective Suggestion on experience to set the right one?

Personal check points of employee

· Are you Ok to yield less with more efforts wasting your HRA skills?

· Do the correction is in your side or Organization?

· Are you ready to give feedback hints?

Womanly things/ Male Chauvinism

Factors highlighted among women

o More extended hours expected where there is no three shifts

o Expecting punctual arrival when there was continuous extended shifts

o Though did high skilled job not highlighted which is said to be the role of higher hierarchy

o Maternity leaves considered and paid are considered during appraisal as paid for nothing than the rate of work and heavy loads that nobody will dare it. Appraisals are rate of pay next guaranteed one year. By Increasing a marginal rate and deducted all other extra things finally net salary deducted by 50 percent.

o The major behavior adjustments of avoiding staying away for not leaving any gap for noise are collapsed than the actually collapsed ones.

o A woman without a professional degree or diploma kept under constant control under played where the entry and experience is from PLUS TWO for some cadre. Who is expert well used, generally men can make a degree quick but women lose some credit points with high skill points. Here OUTPUT and Output values high but low wages

o Need to withstand fusion words and high test to fit among that "Always Males are Males" and high expectation of character value looks to be low as well as high and found it’s a variable factor to corner the one wanted and situation script according to that. It is like creating de motivator factors on right one to corner at right times.

o Dress codes and very wrong culture of capturing missed moments to use at times needed.

o It’s very bad for ethnic suppression by external move; the platform is just to fail as a lady without glory or money when the shame is not for men and found that womanly things well used negatively.


· Mentor Mentees should be married and experienced.

· Informal reviews.

· Women's day interaction of experience best and worst inside office in open arena.

· It doesn’t need competition but group discussions and solutions, while men go out and have cigar rooms.

Advice : Woman who survives like a vine with men should not run or lead this woman drive

Managerial coordination

Factors affecting Management.

· Lack of coordination among supervisor or authoritarian and top management

· High and lack coordination among supervisors and executives.

· No weekly meeting of team and team decision according to noise and needs

· No Monthly progress reviews about team works, team general body meetings

· Big boss team, a team inside a team in top level management with executives and they will make their move to win which is a behavior mistake on any grouping.

For Example: A group of tigers join to suppress a lion.

Say If I have a royal teacher friend who is jealous on my growth and who have some cold with me to lead a trust body outside , they can hire a team inside the organization to put me in lower cadre job lifelong with lower pay to see me in dirty cloths. It is legitimized I can be a part and not fit for top cadre. It is Executable

People may support the unknown black cat black money

Caste chain link, naturally it is fire they will allow a male of high class but not a female to upgrade.

· Lack of official meeting between supervisors or authoritarian and top management. Lack of screening the view of supervisor or authoritarian for good team building.

· Lack of management committees in small informal form too.

· Lack of understanding their responsibility and ability to control, expecting young executives support to sustain and make them dummy.

· Lack of considering small issues of lower level executives and never clears them. It needs a general doubt making portal Quora inside office anybody can answer.

Evaluation based on personal savings and protection

An organization is eighty percent for its benefit and remaining twenty percent has separate routings, here evaluation is based on outcomes, outcomes growth and current HRA skills with organizational behavior. Most fail by going on team information bases and neglecting the right ones by their own personal values. Same time there can’t be a family inside when more than sixty or not like that or it’s not a deserted operation.

Here they work out a proper statistics' to put someone in low cadre from scratch, here the internal informal management team and personal interviews, participative skills and proper job booking plays major role to escape that pit.

They will have some below average performers benefited to scale up for their personal and hierarchical benefits, generally the needed one will be within hands is the thumb rule.

My wealth is not my pay rate.

Hierarchical Suppression

There will be top seniors who where comfortable with shares and chairs. They never let a executive which will gloom in their chair soon, they crush them at every possible minute without team support. They will have production reports of consisting performance with lots of negative scorings.

Here team meetings, skill assessments and training capability, production ability tests will show them separately mastered with their personal participation skills.

Consecutive appraisal failures and always blamed or made to shame by top level will show that unique person under hierarchical suppression.

HR assessment with appraisal assessment based on participation, informal information’s and unique skills evaluated will show major difference, if enquired may found positive in few cases. Time leave vs. quality output in required time

Behavioral Oppression

One can oppress directly or indirectly by forming group the right one.

My language, My birth, My caste, My religion, My Demographic area , My Family errors are not my pay rate

No one can have rights to plan as individual as a group to prove me low and put me in shame for any type of Group Strength. Work and Output is a Global a factor.

What is the Solution for employee suffered in External Political and other Behavior pressures openly or unknown?

1. If they exit whole the management drive fails and also organization

2. We can’t uplift before them it will make more pressure and more participative dramas

3. The employee should Current capable and existing needs.

4. Management and administration is a global theory on experiment innovation and it is not South Indian Films


1. Do not let exit.

2. Should have their ERG Scale maintained; is the organization and Management skill

3. They should grow like Bamboo with Coupons and trainings until the time and environmental climate is not good, If Good should have marginal open ERG.

Time and Attendance

A Bachelor can sit in office all time and can zoom like a video game and can take his bike next morning for a punctual time.

It is great and welcomed if it is a quality output to the office

Organizational behavior of punctuality and attendance is valid if it is able to produce in quality time and Quality output. There can be situational exception when something wrong. It doesn't required to present too much of physically for graphical needed outputs. There is 80 percent perfect attendance employee with good outputs where put to low before always present and less output than them. Cities like Chennai there can be some random time management like interval in exit and entry calculated. Half an hour Grace Time using their maximum leave and permissions already it is planned very limited.

My appraisal rate should not decrease more than five percent due to one percent of low attendance.

Sometimes I observe I was made to go late in traffic and exit late in final appraisal review

Remedy for Qualified at Lower Income

We should find some drain to fix them a best salary. There may be highly skilled miscellaneous jobs of less pressure and can do for limited allotted time. We can use them for that such as, It is based on personal skills and HRA skills.

· ISO Managerial Documentation

· Quality control

· Research and development

· IT algorithm

· Training work sheets

· Management team

· Compensation

ISO Managerial Documentation

Since these are for employee of qualified they can be used for ISO managerial level final documentation. The aim is making them feel comfort for their energy invested for the year and also to abolish the root idea of making them at low cadre by others by any plans

Quality Control

Seniors and Checkers can be used for Quality control checklists and review

Research and Development

Few can be used for research and development of new process and procedures can be framed inside office. Documenting the library needs of perfect shots of the office by qualified one at least evaluated. It needs unique skilled employee best at this and left unidentified in projects to use in mutual profit.

IT algorithm

Few can be used for writing algorithm of needed programs to perform the smart works for future projects. Procedures involved for typical jobs and fine tuning simulation.

Training work sheets

The daily problems can be listed and in weekends should make training worksheets and distributed routed to needed departments. It is precaution is better than cure of after effects.

Management team

Few can be routed to management committee as a team member who can express well for both sides in par of good production and goal meetings.


The loss and damage can be compensated by giving them with worthy certificates of training and vouchers monthly they can be productive in their daily expenses or tour packages. It should be with the knowledge of all to scrutinize further not happens. These entire category jobs should job codes identified by HR to be evaluated and this should be 10 percent extra time of the work planned parallel.

Now we test for Qualified at Good income But Hike is high as per Figure one.

Qualified employees but heavy Hike

The reasons were same that eight points we can get from Formal and Informal appraisal report went favor of them. We should find some drain to fix them a good salary. There may be highly skilled miscellaneous jobs of less pressure and can do for limited allotted time. We can use them for that such as

· Allot them Secondary duties of organization as such environmental goals, Cultural program, Transport, Mentor and Mentees club, Informal management, and Documentation training and other safety coordinators. We can guide them and allotting according to personal skills and need. As in STEP 3 capable of them as per Figure 5 of Step 3

Figure 5 of Step 3: Heavy Hike Remedy

Employees who were not satisfied on this compensation work training etc. on mutual benefits can exit.

Moderate Employees- Appraisal type 2

· Evaluation for Moderate employees at High appraisals through feedback and reports

· If they found at heavy hike let to allocate extra work said for Qualified employee at heavy hike or if found no they are checked for low appraisal due to earlier reason and found yes

Moderate employees of Lower Appraisal.

Figure 6Step 6 of figure 1 is having difference in treating a moderate qualified at least salary compared to them.

· Documentation – General project documentation

· Assisting Section Manager - Helping in past projects reports

· Personal Behavior report – Daily reports

· Informal management – data collection – textual variables

· Training worksheets- preparing training worksheets for quality & assisting

· Meeting coordinators,- Arranging and coordinating meeting persons of team like team general body meeting on daily needs, Poking team for other meetings

· Compensation – Local Training & Industrial Tours

Figure 6 of Step 6 of Figure 1:Draw back Measures and Remedies


The loss and damage can be compensated by giving them worthy certificates and vouchers they can be productive in the daily expenses or tour packages. It should be with the knowledge of all to scrutinize further not happens.

Hence by reaching this solution within the month of appraised salary we are making the pitch clear for the next process with mutual benefits. Everybody should know their ladder of success than most comfort zones. It is understand their efficiency capability and current situations. Innovation of themselves innovate them and the organization. We should know our process of movement in the organization since we are also entity factor inside the organization and should give production as planned which will clear eighty percent of employees hurdle. If then again they are not satisfied they can exit.

12. Case 3: Reasons for errors in Appraisal after validation and informal reviews.

The reasons for errors after HR Validation are due to False Documentation and adapting to learn with them and conveying answers according to that than the natural conversations.

1. False Informal Reports on random selections

2. False Participative Management

3. Lack of knowledge in Self Appraisal and to Argue for them or controlled not to do.

4. The reports are not consolidated like Organizational behavior and Outcomes

5. And everybody makes their least or best possible to make one up or down.

6. Team unsupported

The process of involving the human resource travel from Personal life to external world through an Organization has wider entry. They enter with HRA skills from a human behavior system and hence,

· One cannot be left unsupported in a team its Management, Administrative and Social error

· It needs training in allowable human behavior things inside premises and that checklist educated.

· It needs training in the scope, nature of executives inside premises and that checklist educated.

· The nature and control behavior of Supervisor, Authoritarian and their skills evaluated.

· The relationship control communication between supervisor/authoritarian in the middle of executive and management cross checked and that checklist.

· The dramatic screenplay participative should be in more professional way; those meetings should be highlighted by pert and evaluated, validated the same in minutes of meetings.

· The informal management group should not sit null on the back ground without work having top management communication ability hence I separated the value between vouchers credit scores and skill scores in salaries.

· Team shuffling should be there

· In an office there should be a salary difference in hierarchy not by software's in same department and compulsions any how the outputs are same.

· Ex. Tonnage is a constraint, it should be evaluated nullified as a whole or once in a year the team should be up skilled to heavier tonnage.

· In a team of five two should be experienced, say above 35 aged and validated, given good salaries to them in the department, equivalent others should be shuffled to have a balance count . A project manager should have 8+ years experience. It needs some experienced validated woman for a good team without noise.

· The Exit person by organization should have some benefit they can clear some immediate pressure and feel better relief. It should have mutual fund allotted internally by accounts as long term sustainability goals and funds.

· The pregnancy period leaves of woman should not to be given negative scores or credit scores even lessen, the setbacks should be adjusted by mutual fund allotted internally as long term sustainability goals and funds. The leave and the amount paid should not be calculated with their skills and outputs. Because every appraisal is taking auction an employee for minimum two years of future They need not to go low hierarchy or even low in the salary calculating of appraisals. Appraisal is 50 percent of Skill rate a with Output Rate and 30 percent Outcomes profit.. Few women will balance the credit scores maintained though on leave.

· The Pert and Notification should be expressed in general way timely.

· The importance of Quality outcome With ISO procedure trained

· Checklist of safety and salary evaluated

· Extracurricular platforms and Environmental drain platforms and employment under environmental rules of having marginal environmental employee and addressed the rate and there is no role to suppression and oppression to any one in any forms should be expressed in general way timely.

Innocent and Low Pace Employees

Employee should not test for his ability and mind set to get lower salary having different salary for same job output. If you take four apple you pay for four apple likewise pay the salary don’t test the vendor behavior of silence and innocence to pay low.

Marketing price is same always but,

Appraisals are not road side sales evaluating based on retail techniques for unstamped jobs with sales mind set.

The Low qualified employee in job:

Every employee is appointed fulfilling recruitment needs they passes confirmation or kept in consolidated. If they have struggles in meeting recruitment we should find it is gap in fulfilling current needs and his availing skills. They might have some current issues needs some general counseling inside team of experienced. We should identify the best outputs and least outputs of them with some personal behavioral skills we can use for any process until he is trained best in it

And made them to like view clearly by having spectacles

· Training

· Counseling of Experienced

· Fine-tuning Soft skills struggling like - Time, Problem analysis personals or personal

· Identifying their capability and focusing on it

· Goals, to do list and job focus.

· Health setbacks etc.

The Exit Analysis

· Less Qualified Exit by own - Wishing their success, Briefing the best points to be more focused which will help them

· Exit by Organization Decision.- Helping them for personal relief if it is tough decision and they can hale for the next best decision of life.

· Qualified and Moderate exit by own - Wishing their success, Briefing the best points to be more focused which will help them, the points needed to be fine tuned.

Exit doesn't highlight performance character and skill it is mostly mutual needs.

Suggestion to ISO

· To have Self Checklist on Appraisal -7

· Behavior Checklist- Attribute of Behavior affect focused one on any suppression and oppression-8

· External Control in Organization -9

13 . Executive Summary

Development, Economic planning and Social Justice are the key factors for the growth of every organization. Organization like Multinational companies, International venture engineering IT are made to increase countries GNP. We can’t find a platform for total social justice for the behavior needs of a society. Later can full fill OSHA needs of Environmental and Sustainability goals. Every appraisal is the testing scenario of the strong management skills in an international arena. By leaving the Social justice to woman you can’t be socially justified. Getting job done without professional ethics and control will cause lag in near future. Hence it needs some assessment reports with Quantitative analysis of team and Qualitative data’s about the working atmosphere climate. The obstacles of growth of one self and organization are deducted by analyze with reports called AQRA report. This AQRA report needs some assessment report validated in the working and appraisal tenure. There should not be any external or political factor controlling the organization. Participation doesn’t end in participative suggestion or drama it is making validated real participation by PERT.

ISO should have checklist for 1. Non Motivating Factors 2. Behavioral noise inside the organization 3. After appraisal checklist for the employee feed backs 4. Informal report about the appraisal feedbacks of the employee. By using the feed backs & reports we prepare the final report and actions about balancing a proper appraisal.

14. Conclusion

Human resource should not end like electronic goods or bazaar products. There should be grievances system monitored by the government despite of labor disputes user friendly platforms where government could identify and solve major civil problems and behavior noise. Appraisals should not be like convincing a tailor to stitch uneven and making worse on feedbacks forced to put that dress capturing wrong to prove wrong. Appraisals are standards to meet mutually and it has responsible of handling educated people with international management responsibilities and skills. It shows the Organizational skill and their capability of Administration and Management. It shouldn’t be like boss is always right; it should have some decentralized controls.

A common appraisal criteria in open window assessments educated to employee will solve mutual problems. This AQRA report decisions and suggestions will be corrective measures to set well soon for future Management and Organization enhancement.


The measure of Behavior report & corrections is the major point suggested here, by then centralized grievances and organization compliance report through government portals.

I suggest few reports to be formulated

  • Time sheet Manpower booking vs. HR recruitment weekly reports -1

  • Informal Behavior and Performance Report – 2

  • HR and Employee appraisal interview and its report- 3

  • Time vs. Outcomes vs. Quality vs. Personal skill vs. Organizational Behavior – Total Skill Set Report – 4

  • Informal Team Report on Appraisal Noise -5

  • Outcome Reports Vs Reality validation reports – 6

  • To have Self Checklist on Appraisal -7

  • Behavior Checklist- Attribute of Behavior affect focused one on any suppression and oppression-8

  • External Control in Organization -9

Organization should not have border domestic ideas but accepted marginal global ideas

Recession and Economic set backs

We can avail term insurance plans or mutual fund plans for dealing in the time of recession and economic setbacks for while which will not affect the system we maintained.

Women maternity Plan

Women maternity draw backs can be adjusted in allotted woman mutual funds

Economic Planning.

I suggest three economic remedial measures

  • Recession insurance Scheme in any format

  • Woman Maternity Mutual funds

  • Post appraisal amount allotted earlier

  • Finally an overall After Appraisal Quality Report and Actions on changes and causes.

  • As built Appraisal.








Here I appraise myself for not letting me down and persistence over the process. My family, especially children adapting to different work situations. My colleagues finally who put feedbacks to me. My MA lecturers of madras university distance education were taken the distance education well in a valid time. All my Competitive exams and UGC NET passing has some efforts and worth put here. Thank you All.


Refer My Linked in for my work.


Madras University of Distance Education BA & MA Public Administration BOOKS



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