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Self Administration-5- An Administrative theory (Private as main)

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

Private Life as main

Shining in official or private jobs is a very vast subject in depth since it has various subsects , uniqueness and freedom. Private Job is very open circle.

Private jobs employed through

  1. School education with or without Graduation

  2. Field Education (Experience/curriculum/training/skilled/graduation with training)

  3. Management & Administration

  4. Economics and Commerce

Types Involved

  1. Self Employed

  2. Self Help group

  3. Small scale cottage industry

  4. Small scale industries

  5. Industries and companies

  6. Government aided- Industry/Agriculture

  7. Farming fisher poultry etc..

  8. Training and coaching Centers

  9. Business

  10. Vendors

  11. Private employee/employer etc..

  12. Schools and Hospitals


  1. Administration

  2. Management/Middle Management

  3. Finance and Accounts

  4. Execution

  5. Production

  6. Marketing

  7. Sales

  8. Quality and Audit

  9. Customer care

  10. Employee

Merits Of Private job

  1. Appointment done day to day

  2. Appraisals

  3. Limited guarantee and warranty

  4. Cash back benefits in short term

  5. Modern life

  6. Globalized

  7. International standards

  8. Spontaneous growth

  9. Self esteem covered

  10. Unstructured work and rules

  11. Switch over’s.

  12. Make hay when sun shine

  13. Fresh up program

Demerits of Private Job

  1. Job insecurity

  2. Modern and closed circle

  3. Management conclusion

  4. No liaison

  5. Fit to the Pot

  6. Recession & climate

  7. Time

  8. Neither Performance based nor Character based

  9. Unidentified Nepotism and reservation

  10. Communication Gap between management and work line

  11. Informal communication

  12. Too many Boss and hierarchy

  13. Job pressure etc.

  14. Money Or Fund

  15. Handling of Debts and shares

  16. Money hold.

  17. Can control through external factors and internal factors

  18. Administrative errors.

  19. Right person not in right position.

  20. Minimum guarantee for being celebrity and legend.

20 Responsibility OF CEO

21 Value loosing for all type of Growth

Risk involved

  1. Fresher’s

  2. Wasted training

  3. Job openings

  4. No Middle line management

  5. High monitoring

  6. Taylor's Scientific management

  7. Red carpet is for anybody and can go anytime

  8. Who is the Black sheep? Etc..

  9. Environment and climate

  10. Government laws & funds

  11. Stock exchange

  12. Multi National control etc.

  13. No open market and open value

  14. Life based on Salary

  15. Business Can be Cornered

  16. Boss pets.

  17. Money first.

  18. Licence and Environmental safety

  19. Name shaming & Character assasination

  20. No third party for Appraisals and growth Either not bureaucratic and nor perfect scale.

Training Needed for private Jobs as main

  1. Field training

  2. Participative management

  3. Sustainable management

  4. Employee-Management- Administration-employer Communication

  5. Needs of world

  6. Human resource management

  7. Marketing the right goods to right person

  8. Production of most needed

  9. Sales to the needed

  10. Checklist for Administrators on employee out put

  11. Elimination of nepotism & unknown reservation

  12. Building team relationship of right employees

  13. Board of control

  14. PMP

  15. Ohas

  16. Standard and codes

  17. Soul success by Active participation in personal and public life

  18. One person in family anchors minimum wage needed during emergency

  19. Modern Agriculture

  20. Canal irrigation

  21. Infrastructure needed for Agriculture.

  22. How to handle Money crisis happily?

  23. Is it all CEO responsibility? Sharing of Responsibility

  24. Research and development from the ground level of private jobs

23 Social and Environmental studies.

24 Being yourself Beyond personnel management

25 Government announcement and Administrative laws based on role

  1. How to avail funds?

  2. Audit and Documentation

  3. Management theories

  4. Personality development and innovation.

  5. Family welfare,Fitness & Money handling

  6. Self actualization by giving procedures for success.

Secondary role for Private as main

  1. A very good fan learn to appreciate any art and culture

  2. A very good citizen by commenting public servants through customer care

  3. Policy maker forming as a group like parents association, literary clubs

  4. Evacuation team, Red cross team, fund raisers etc..

  5. Anchoring for the growth of soceity


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