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Self Administration-2 - An Administrative Theory(purpose scope sign. imp. pri. ele. fea. obj & risk)

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

Purpose of Self Administration:

Soul success with a footpath to others

Scope of Self Administration:

Mastering yourself to the growth of family, Society and your Soul growth in a medium where you can travel in group by being yourself. Self administration is a bridge between Personal and Public life. In Self administration it is expectation and living beyond motivation, awards and rewards since in organisation or society or family the right one can be restricted

Significance of Self Administration:

  1. Personal Life

  2. Personnel life

  3. Public life

Importance of Self Administration

Choosing any one in above said as main and the others as Anchoring.

Ex House wife or Home Maker taking Personal Life as main and doing some small scale jobs moving well into the public life

Principles of Self Administration:

  1. Training

  2. Time Management

  3. Communication

  4. Motivation when Given or Not Given and by Self

  5. Decision Making

  6. Conflict management

  7. Practice Participation and performance

  8. Goal Seeking

  9. Self Assessment

  10. Management

  11. Leadership

  12. Innovation and Foot Path

Elements of Self Administration

  1. Family

  2. Organisation

  3. Government

  4. Judiciary

  5. Environment

  6. Society

  7. International relations

  8. Standards and codes

  9. Conference and summits

  10. Participation

Features of Self Administration

  1. Family Positions – father mother etc

  2. Official position – CEO executive manager etc

  3. Government position- Citizen PRO etc

  4. Political Position- Voter, Minister

  5. Doctors- government and military Doctors

  6. Education- Schools and Universities

  7. Service Welfare Arts and entertainment- NGO, Actor, Dancer, Press& Media etc

  8. Common Group such as judiciary, Election Commission UNO, etc

  9. Sport Coach, manager, player

  10. Military etc

Objectives of Self Administration

  1. Continual Improvement

  2. Life style

  3. Economic Satisfaction

  4. Happiness

  5. Self esteem

  6. Values

  7. Control

  8. Self Actualization

  9. Family and soul development

  10. Recognized

Risk in Self Administration

  1. Balancing Control

  2. Feedback , Critics and false motivation

  3. Family role and growth

  4. Organisational appraisals.

  5. Unexpected results and reorganization

  6. Government

  7. Health

  8. Environment

  9. Initial sponsors

  10. Press


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